TCM development

Health deficits The historical development in recent times. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been subject to continuous development for centuries. Until the political opening of China in the 80s of the 20th century, this development took place mainly in the country itself and experienced a real renaissance under Mao with the return to old Chinese values. The moving closer together of the [...]

Health prophylaxis

Health deficits An important medical approach in TCM is the so-called health prophylaxis. In the past, Chinese doctors were paid not to get sick at all. This concept makes sense and this approach is one of the main concerns of a holistic philosophy. Relax "go down" Healthy fresh nutrition Purify and detoxify through sweating Exercise in the great outdoors [...]

Health deficits

Health deficits Health deficits such as exhaustion and lack of energy are considered holistically in TCM. This distinguishes TCM from Western medicine in some ways. The view of the human body is different. A brief introduction to the physiological functionality of the human body and the theory of diseases follows for a better understanding: Through [...]

Yin and yang

Yin & Yang Yin & Yang are two terms that play a very important role in Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Yin & Yang stand for the two polar opposing and yet related forces or principles. Yang in this case stands for masculine, activity, hard, bright and hot. [...]

alternative medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM for short) advocates holistic health care that affects the body, soul and spirit. Man and nature are subject to the infinite rhythm of the five elements and the two opposing poles yin and yang. The more harmoniously a person adapts to this rhythm, the more chances of health there are. Because […]